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Pitaland: The pita bread epicenter of Pennsylvania in Brookline

May 11, 2023

Location: Pitaland, 620 Brookline Blvd., Brookline

Featured guests: Danny Chahine and his father, Joe Chahine, owners of Pitaland

3 things that surprised me:

1. After the dough is prepared and divided, it goes into a proofing case before being rolled out and going through another round of proofing. Finally, it goes into the oven for a mere seven seconds where it miraculously puffs up before cooling down on a conveyer belt. Danny and his team can bake 1,800 pitas an hour and they bake them six days a week. If you want to see the impressive pita machine at work, your best bet is to stop by in the morning, Monday through Saturday, and take a peek through the window.

2. Joe and his wife first came to Pittsburgh during their honeymoon in the early 1970s. While visiting family here, a war broke out in Lebanon and Joe asked for political asylum. Once he got a work permit, Joe started helping his brother, who had a pita business. In those days, they were making pita bread in a stone oven in the basement of a building. Eventually, Joe bought the business from his brother and continued to expand.

3. While visiting Lebanon a few years back, Joe spotted a pita factory along a highway. He pulled over and checked out the factory's efficient pita-making machine and asked where he could get one. A few months later, Joe and his family had one shipped to Pittsburgh.

One thing that didn't make the final cut: Though you only see Joe and Danny on camera, there are many more family members involved in the business. Joe's daughter (and Danny's sister), Aleen helped us set up our tour and they’ve got two other siblings, Donna and Joey, who you might see around the shop too.

Additional info: You can stop by Pitaland's location in Brookline for pita and other delicious Mediterranean food or you can visit their website to learn more.

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Location Featured guests: 3 things that surprised me: One thing that didn't make the final cut: Additional info: